Also when you walk in you see 80’s poster,s like the Blackhearts or the Police.
Behind the stage with the host and dj there on a brick wall you see their cool logo which says “I love the 80’s club” which does look very 80’s.That and a few arcade games to goof with while your hear a live dj play 80’s music.
The club got it's start when Chini to surprise her boyfriend wanted to make an 80’s style party and built it up in the sky of the sim so Joh wouldn’t find out about it.This was on an 1800’s pirate sim. Then she got her friends to hang out there and have a blast. Later on Chini along with Joh built their own club on the Pengo sim. “I Love the 80’s Club” as they both have a passion for the Reagan era style of music. Now Chini has moved her club to Neurnburg North.
However even with 80’s music theme, Chini and Joh still had to work every day to overcome the challenges of running an SL club. Having a popular music genre doesn’t equate to instant success and the club bursting with people throwing their hands in the air. The pair of them persevered throughout the year. Over time they hired dj/s and hosts to keep the club active and fresh for people to stop and have a good time, Chini said.
Chini Blaisdale-Solo (chinitadoll.blaisdale): I cannot even say we are experts in running a club, but we learn something new every now and then.
I commented back looking at the real-life New York Giants the football team. A few years ago they had a 0-2 start. Despite that they worked together as a team and pulled through and won the Superbowl. Chini says that team work helps keep her club on the up and up. No one wants to come to come to a club where the staff isn’t managed correctly. Even if Chini and Joh aren’t experts, seems like they have a good game plan at least.
Chini also seemed to have good support from her buddies, "But mind you our very first vips who happens to be very good friends of ours now are not big fans of 80's but they have made the club their home."
Just like the popular Bay furry club I reported on earlier, upholding a friendly environment seems to be a big key to making a club popular. Lots of people in SL or real-life want to come to a place they feel comfortable at and at home.
It looks like Chini and Joh know how to make the 80’s live again. Their traffic isn’t as high as say the bBackhearts, but still pretty high to draw regulars on now a daily basis.
Next time you want a dose of the police or Madonna or tears for fears Bruce Springsteen or bon Jovi, check out the “I Love the 80’s Club” It’s certainly a place in SL to call home.
Nuernberg North (62, 63, 21)
Grease Coakes
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