By Grease Coakes
An iconic movie of the 80’s was the Ghostbusters with Dan
Aykroyd and Bill Murray. The movie where New York was terrorized by ghosts and
the Ghostbusters busted the ghosts with laughs and chills. To most people it’s
an entertaining movie. To Kheph777 Enoch he was inspired to take it one step
further and create his own sim based upon the Ghostbusters movies.
I warp in and land in the fire house and by dumb luck there’s the sim owner Kheph777 Enoch. I tell him I write for the SL Newser and he gives me a tour around the SL version of the firehouse where the Ghostbusters hang out at. Down in the basement is the vault of where ghosts are stored like in the movie and also where to buy my very own proton pack and trap. To do battle against slimer and his buddies costs 500L to buy the newest proton pack. There was also Kheph777’s friend Stabitha who helps build around the sim too.
I pay the 500L and Kheph777 shows me the tutorial. It’s
simpler then it seems to blast ghosts and trap them. First you turn on your
proton pack, (Everything is done in a simple HUD) then you grab you proton beam
in your hand. You activate your stream and fire away! The tutorial only has you
fight a class 1 ghost where you just zap to defeat. Kheph777 then showed me
upstairs where there’s a phone where you click to automate a call. Kheph777
took lines from Janine’s phone calls in the movie typed out in text and then
you know where to go to fight the fiendish ghost.

Now that I captured a ghost I have to return to the Ghostbusters firehouse to place the trap and drop off the ghost. You flick the red switch and the drop box
falls down, you insert the trap flip it back up and when the light it green the
trap is clean. Fair warning you always want to clean your trap.

Various upgrades go to your trap capacity and goggles to act
as radar to see the ghosts. Oh and fighting ghosts in New York is dangerous
when you fight a class 6 or 7 ghost. They can attack you, causing you to
lose in game hp/s that you see in your HUD. When you drop to zero and die,
you’re penalized by having to recharge your pack for $5,000. Don’t have $5,000?
Not to worry there’s a petty cash box in the fire house to help you out. You
also have to recharge your pack when your hour of battery life is used up.
Kheph777 wants to create stronger ghosts like the staypuft
marshmallow man to be a bigger challenge. Also there’s a lot of detail in the
sim in not only the firehouse but all over like the keymaster and gatekeeper’s
apartments. The call I took was at the hotel where the ghostbusters fought
slimer. There’s also the library with the gray ghost lady. When I typed
something I got a text message saying shhhh!
Kheph777 also says his sim is "light RP," meaning you can
roleplay as a Ghostbuster or whatever you like. But it’s not required you can come
in and fight ghosts by yourself or with your friends just being yourself. When you want to take a break from fighting ghosts there’s
also a movie theater showing the first Ghostbusters film and Ghostbusters 2. There’s even the Ecto 1 car sitting in the firehouse for you
to drive around to whatever location to reach your call. Zheph777 thought of
everything to add realism to the Ghostbusters universe. There was even Zuul and
the demon dogs.
There’s plenty to do here if you want to try something
different even if you’re not a fan of the Ghostbusters. This is the right place
for die-hards too who love the series as there’s even voice emotes you can
activate from your proton pack HUD as the speech balloon icon. Oh by the way
for kicks I tried to trap a ghost in my trap when I already had a ghost. There
was a white explosion as my pixel Grease Coakes fell over and died. Luckily I
had enough cash to recharge my pack Stabitha kept saying “I want to see him
die!” To see my digital death I’d say it was worth blowing the $5,000 in game
The sim itself is loads of fun to play around in I recommend checking out
this exciting sim.
The Ghostbusters sim and "Light RP" is at Slime Square, Whatever Burg (77, 92, 27). The group has a page on Facebook at: . The sim was also featured in a Ghostbusters fan website last month, (article here).
Grease Coakes
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