As many of my readers know, the Blake Sea is the most widely used water
area in all of Second Life. It was created a few years ago, with support from
the community, to be a "sailing first" area of mainland, where races and
pleasure sailing can occur without interference from other residents. The Blake
Sea is Linden-owned, and therefore is supposedly open to everyone to use as they
There have been many problems in the Blake Sea over the years. Almost as
soon as it was created, the aviation community in Second Life saw the
opportunity to use the 30 sim estate, and surrounding sailing estates that total
over 100 sims. After some debate, an established set of guidelines for the
aviation community in the Blake Sea was determined. Namely this meant that
pilots could not fly close to the water (unless they were landing or taking off
from an airfield), they need to remain clear of sailboats, and they must avoid
areas that sailing races can occur.

About a month ago, a new group has been gaining ground in the Blake Sea.
They have been sailing around in WW2 era boats, which are rather large and
visible from a great distance (depending on your draw distance). Some have been
combative between each other, but most have been peacefully sailing in the
public waters. In addition, this group (after gaining approval from the
community liaison, MarkTwain White) has placed an aircraft carrier in the
Southwest corner of the Blake Sea, in an area that is rarely used by the sailing

For a majority of the sailing community, this was not well accepted, and
has culminated with a rather large protest on June 17th, 2012. Participants were
asked to silently protest the new group's activities, waiving white flags and
floating next to the aircraft carrier. In response, the aviation and pirate
communities, for the most part, started protesting their protest - waiving green
flags and lining up in helicopters and aircraft. It was a sight to behold!
According to one protester, Gwenetha Juliesse, who was waiving a green flag and
is an avid aviation enthusiast, "We already have established air traffic routes
over the Blake Sea area for people's convenience. There must be some way of
establishing battle zones for ships or so on."

Marianne McCann recently stated the "situation in the Blake Sea is
getting worse." She told of a group notice from Tig Spijkers on the SL Aviation group, "Effective and immediately all military style or combat boats,
planes, helicopters, etc are now banned from the Saliors Cove
regions. Only current exception to this rule are the aircraft and
vessels of the SL Coast Guard."
Gemma Cleanslate and Howdy Colter, pictures by Marianne McCann
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