And rich it is. It has a LOT of realism to it, and the graphics are just beautiful. The rivers and streams are beautifully rendered, there's a lot of background ambiance in the towns, you can capture bugs with your bare hands for alchemy ingredients or snag fish out of streams, and I don't know how many times I've -slowly- edged into a cave, fearful of all the sounds and worried that something's going to jump out at me and eat my face in. Dragons can attack at random in real time, diving out of the sky and surprising you if you're not paying attention to your surroundings. If it's one thing the creators of Skyrim at Bethesda got right, it's the graphics. They also have what is known as the "Radiant" quest system, where your actions influence what quests become available. If there's a bandit group in one cavern and you clean it out before the quest can be given, then the game will just pick another cavern from a predetermined list and use THAT for the quest bait.

The third thing that annoyed me was the behavior of some of the dragons, but I think that was by design (I'm playing a solid melee character with no magic or ranged support, and some dragons will stay airborne and breathe on you from the air, making it very difficult to bring them down), which brings me to yet another gripe I had: the way things don't respawn all that often. If you kill a dragon, bear, or other large beast, go off questing for several game hours, days or months, and then return, the skeleton/corpse will still be there when you get back. Nice when it's a dragon you'd rather not deal with again, but not so hot if you're trying to farm bandit camps for things to sell or the odd piece of extra gear like you could in Oblivion or Morrowind (I later found they do respawn, but it takes a -long- time).

On top of that, one of the followers is actually tagged as "Essential", meaning she CAN'T die. Not EVER. So if you have her as a follower, equip her with the best gear and give her a steady supply of healing, you can basically just waltz through the entire game and never have to raise a sword. That takes something away from the game.
I'm going to give Skyrim 3 Dragon Hoards out of five. It's got a lot going for it, but they got too many things wrong in my opinion. It's worth at least one playthrough, but after that, I'm not so sure.
*Update* For more information, you can check reviews by New World Notes and Paul Tassi of Forbes.
Xymbers Slade
Thanks Xymbers! I started playing Oblivion (yes, I'm behind the curve) and I like some parts of it, dislike others (like skyrim).
ReplyDeleteNow if they can make a variation called "World of Skyrim" which is the same thing but MMO, they'll have an incredible game. Have a few dozen user created guilds in each server vying for control of the cities, and you'll have an even more fun and wild world -- user vs user as well as user vs computer.
Oblivion is fun. Even after the main quest is complete, there's some gates you can still wander the world and close.
ReplyDeleteThey tried that with one game a long time ago but graphics limits at the time, bad reviews, trolls, and various other things made it fail quickly.
If they did a MMO with Skyrim graphics and SL creativity/mindset-before-SL-turned-to-crap, they'd have a gold mine. -- Xym