Monday, August 6, 2018
Reader Submitted: Partial Furry Ban
By Lia (Female Winslet)
On August 2, I visited The Lounge: Jazz By The Bay. I was promptly asked to leave by the host on duty, Benj Mimulus, a member of the furry community, because I was wearing a quadruped avatar. The Lounge bans feral furry avatars. The owner, xaphyre.ansar, confirmed this partial furry ban and that feral avatars will be asked to leave.
Upon arrival at The Lounge: Jazz By The Bay, my first impression was that the venue was small, possibly a recently opened club. DJ Speelo was playing reasonably good tunes, although his mic work needs improvement. He seems to interrupt tunes haphazardly and sounds as if he is shouting over the music. I had been there before in an anthro form, and this was all what I had experienced before.
Mr. Mimulus immediately began sending me instant messages telling me that formal dress was required. Confused by why he would be telling me this, I said I understood that and I was using a quadruped avatar. He again told me that formal dress was required. I pointed out that quadruped avatars typically do not wear clothes. He again reiterated that formal dress was required.
It took me a few minutes to realize why Mr. Mimulus kept telling me that formal attire was required. Until then, my experience had been that clubs either do allow furries or they don’t. And the typical dress code at a formal dress venue, if furries are allowed, is something like the one at Sweetheart’s, which states "4 legged furries must wear fur and 2 legged furries must be fully clothed please."
Eventually, I realized that the problem at The Lounge: Jazz By The Bay was with my avatar. Because quadruped avatars do not normally wear clothing, Mr. Mimulus wanted me to change avatars, not just clothing. I told him that I do not change avatars for anyone except myself, but I would leave if my avatar posed a problem for him. He confirmed that he would like me to leave, and I did.
I reached out to xaphyre.ansar, the club owner, to describe what had happened. I asked if it was correct that quadruped avatars are not welcome at The Lounge. She confirmed it was, explaining the policy this way: "[W]e discriminate against anyone not wearing clothes[.]"
Discrimination against furries is nothing new in Second Life. Frank’s Place is a particularly infamous example. But this was my first experience with a partial furry ban, in this case one affecting only the feral members of our community. It was also the first time that I have seen a furry choose to work enforcing a ban on members of his own community.
I hope that the club owner will recognize that discrimination is not the way to go. Until then, I hope that furries and our friends will boycott this club. And I hope that Benj Mimulus will stop enforcing a discriminatory ban against a part of his own community. He should never have taken this job and, if the policy does not change quickly, he should resign and go work in a place where all are welcome. As a furry himself, his active participation in discrimination against his own community provides xaphyre.ansar with a degree of cover to claim that the partial furry ban is okay.
Editot's note: the picture is of the avatar in question at a club that is happy to have well-behaved visitors, regardless of appearance (as long as larger ones are careful where they step).
Friday, August 3, 2018
Reader Submitted: Collection of Places That Restrict Furry Avatars
By Lia (Female Winslet)
The sole purpose of this list is to help furries be able to explore Second Life without running into hostile receptions, including bans or being asked to leave because of their avatars. I understand that some owners may feel their restrictions are justified by a desire for historical accuracy, a certain ambience, or other reasons. The reasons for the restrictions are irrelevant and I do not pass judgment on them. I only note that they exist. However, because I do not want to reward these policies or encourage harassment or other bad behavior, I will not provide landmarks to their locations.
I have reviewed the TOS and this list appears to be completely legal. However, I want it to be very clear that this is ***not*** a list to be used for harassment, punishing, or otherwise acting badly. This is a list of places to avoid so that you don't get instantly ejected, banned, asked to leave, etc. No aggressive acts against any of these locations. If that becomes a problem, I will end this list.
The vendor, the list, and the script are copy and trans, but no mod. This way you can distribute copies of the list if you so desire. But the admonishment not to harass cannot be removed.
For questions, corrections, or to report other places that should be on the list, contact Lia (female.winslet). If you are an owner whose location has been erroneously included, please contact me to let me know and I will correct the list.
From the place profile: "No avatars under 60 days aloud [sic], no child avatars, only human avatars."
Aux Bains du Paradis
From the place profile: "Human avatars only."
From the place profile: "HUMAN AVATARS ONLY*
Berlin 1920
Excerpts from the SIM rules:
Our rules;
-1920s clothes only
-Realistic avatars only
-Animals shouldn't talk, walk on 2 legs, be half human, etc. And yes... in Berlin people didn't have wings, pointy ears, claws, vampire teeth, etc, except on stage.
Bogart's Jazz Club
This is a part of Frank's Place, which is one of the more well known anti-furry spots. Please see the entry for Frank's Place.
Cage and Cell Club
From the place profile: "Human avatars only."
Club Texas
The rules posted on the community forums include "No Furries."
The Dreamer's Island - Surf
From the place profile: "Human avatars only."
Fairweather Beach
From their place profile: "Human avatars only."
Feral Woods Beach and Farm
From their place profile: "Human avatars only."
Frank's Place
Franks The Elites and Franks Place Jazz Club do not allow non-human avatars to use these facilities. You may be ejected and banned if your avatar has any "non-human" features (tails, cat ears, ect.).
Frank's also has a notable reputation for homophobia.
The F**k SPOT - Gangbang and Bukkake Room - Human Avatars Only
They put it right in their name. 'Nuff said.
Gianfar Peaks of Pern
Pern roleplay community. Furries are okay as long as th-ey are not engaged in the roleplay at all. But only certain canon feral avatars are permitted to engage in the roleplay.
Golden Sunset Beach
From the place profile: Normal human avatars only[.]
Grandpa's Interracial Warehouse
From the place profile: "human avatars only."
Gregfield 1 and 2
From the place profile: HUMAN AVATARS ONLY!
Hook-Up Hall - "Let's Hook-Up" = %100 Human Only
From the place profile: %100 Human Avatars Only
House in the Woods
From the place profile: Adult human avatars only.
House of FED
From the place profile: FED Home of human only sadists and victims.
Isla de Amores
From the place profile: Human avatars only. No children or furries.
From the place profile: Human avatars only. Exceptions; wings and mermaid and mermen.
~ The Lounge: Jazz By The Bay ~
Cocktail/evening dress only. Quadraped avatars are deemed not compliant with the dress code because quad avatars do not wear clothes, so quad avatars are asked to leave. Anthro furries are allowed. Since there are multiple clubs with similar names, to be clear, this one is a jazz club founded by Xaphyre.Ansar. Xaphyre.Ansar confirmed the policy and called it discrimination.
From the place profile: Human avatars only.
Manatee Naturist
From the place profile: Human avatars only.
Masters/Mistresses Harem
From the place profile: "Human Avatars only!"
Playa Perdida
According to their place profile "Adult human avatars only[.]"
Pleasures XChange @ Serendipity CMNF
From the place profile: "Respect and tolerance is expected. Only human avatars."
Ramshackle Gentlemen's Club
From the place profile: "...NO animal Avie or Child Avies Human Avatars Only..."
Ritz New York City
Club owner says furries are "a problem" and not welcome at her venue. This is a venue created specially for RFL fund raising and RFL official policy does not tolerate this type of discrimination. Current status is unclear.
*Secret Life Lounge*
From the place profile:
From the place profile: "HUMAN AVATARS ONLY."
Tom's Prisoners
From the place profile: "Male human avatars only."
Tranquil Tiki Island
From the place profile: "Human avatars only and no weapons allowed."
Turtle Coast Adult Beach
Sim rules do not allow furry avatars. Neko is reportedly fine. Apparently sim management may be somewhat lax in enforcing the policy.
U N I F I E D - Adult MEN/MALE AVATARS Only Culture Connections:
From the place profile: Adult Human Male Avatars Only.
White Horse Hollow
Quote from sim rules:
~~~~ What is not allowed in our sims:
Bronies; Furries; Trolls - not welcome
* * * * *
Editor's Note: There was a small miscommunication with Lia when she handed me the list, I thinking she intended this for publication. As it turned out, she didn't. But she was okay with it.