By Nydia Tungsten
While I claim to be a gamer I do NOT claim to be a good one. I game to have fun, NOT to prove I am the best. I am more than likely to complement you on the way you killed me, than to cuss the fact that you killed me. Hell, it’s how we learn, THAT said you now know where I am coming from gaming wise and I hope you try every game I review to see for yourself. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean you won’t. Just remember what games are for, having fun, and I hope you enjoy what I have to say.
Like most M.M.O.R.P.’s, in this game you start by creating your in game avatar. Starting with what side of the coin you begin at, either the “Republic” side or the “Empire” side. After that, you choose what class you want to be, then the gender and after that the race. From there you can further edit the details slightly about your Star Wars embodiment with sliders that adjust the body, face, skin and other features as well. The most challenging part in this process, like with other long running M.M.O.R.P.G.s, is choosing a name that hasn’t been taken by someone.
You start out with basic missions but even at the lower levels you are given choices as to the direction you will go, and when you group you ALL get the choices but only one will answer and you each get social points for the answer but if you choose a different answer than the one given, you STILL get the light or dark points of the answer you have given
BUT where this is different is there are two ways to play. You can have either a paid account or free, and I have played both sides of this coin. The main difference is how badly the free side is cut to the bone. You can’t even trade with fellow players. If someone wants to give you a piece of better equipment, they have to “mail” it to you, which like the real-life postal service can take a while. I have heard of it taking as long as overnight, and by that time that item isn’t a boost up but a step down.
You can’t “Sprint” until level 15 meaning you have a hard time keeping up with other paid players, causing some frustration on both sides. Can’t get a speeder until level 25, which is the old level that players had to make it to before SW:TOR became free to play, again causing frustration between paid and unpaid accounts. Free accounts have been “Nerfed” BADLY and feel like the put upon redheaded.
As for customer support…. Well lets say that has been “out sourced” and if you call them it can be hard to understand them through the thick accents
All that said, let’s look at some of the good things. While the free accounts have been “Nerfed” it can still be a great game to play, especially if you get with the right group. This is the only game that I know of that you can choose your path on how “Dark” or “Light” you can go. I have tried it both ways, a light and dark side. I play with “The Furry Gamers” Group. We are on two servers, some paid some free. We take that into account when we play and help each other’s characters level.
Have they neutered the free to play accounts? Most definitely! Is it still fun to play as a free player? I must give a resounding YES! But don’t just take my word for it, try it for yourself.
May the force be with you!
And remember if you have a game you think should be reviewed shoot a notecard to me with its name and link and I will take a look.
By Nydia Tungsten
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Reader Submitted: Game Review - World of Warcraft
By Nydia Tungsten
While I claim to be a gamer I do NOT claim to be a good one, I game to have fun, NOT to prove I am the best, I am more than likely to complement you on the way you killed me than to cuss the fact that you killed me, hell it’s how we learn, THAT said you will now know where I am coming from gaming wise and I hope you try every game I review to see for yourself, just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean you won’t just remember what games are for, having fun, and I hope you enjoy what I have to say.
I have been playing WOW off and on for almost….(have to think here)…I would have to say… almost ten years….(holy cow) Do I have any level 90’s? Pfffft! not even close! But I do have a lot of levels between 20 and 70 and I enjoyed every min. I have 3 guilds and 2 servers and in a 4rth with my SL family The Sunweavers where I play with the Fox Newshound himself, Bixyl, and the original Micro Kitty Lomgren Smalls, as well as others from the Sunweavers.
Now in ALL the years I have been playing, I have found one thing to be true. With any and I mean ANY type of MMO you have WAY more fun if you have friends with you.
Unlike 90% of the games I play, WoW is a paid game. You can either have a reoccurring bank charge or do like I do and get the prepaid cards when you can afford them, when you can’t your account will be blocked or frozen.
But Blizzard keeps it in their system for a LONG time, I was inactive for 3 years and thought I would have to start all over. NOPE! The boys at Blizzard kept my data and account right there ready for me when I was.
When you first start you will end up on a creation page like this with ALL the Races and Classes and sexes. It can be overwhelming to some, but take a deep breath, it WILL help you through it. There is the “more info” button. It will tell you about the race and class you have highlighted.
I have always chosen the oddball races. I started with the Draenei (Space goats LOL). I loved the fact they had tails. Then came the Worgen. I was so disappointed that they had no tails. Then came the Pandaren. YAY! They could have a tail!
Then you go through what seem the endless choices for your appearance, just like in SL you can choose who YOU want to be!
And once done with all that, you get to face the
.... finding a name that ISN'T taken.
Now you have your character all set the way you want it. A name you like, then you click play and you are sent deep into the story line you chose.
I think it is important to listen and learn from the narration as you fly to your new body to your first quest, which is pretty easy, most of them are set to teach you how to move and defend yourself before you leave the newbies area. Once done there, you find a wonderful word to explore and have fun with, there are some pretty crazy quests, with all kinds of pop culture references, one of my favorites is the “Rambo” quest. I won’t spoil it but when you find it you will know.
So I give this game a BIG thumbs up and recommend it. Find some friends that play and have a ball, good luck and Good Hunting to you!
Nydia Tungsten
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Reader Submitted: Game Review "World of Tanks"
By Nydia Tungsten
This is my first attempt to right a “review” if you will. Now while I claim to be a gamer, I do NOT claim to be a good one. I game to have fun, NOT to prove I am the best. I am more than likely to complement you on the way you killed me than to cuss the fact that you killed me. Hell it’s how we learn.
THAT said, you will now know where I am coming from gaming wise. And I hope you try every game I review to see for yourself. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean you won’t. Just remember what games are for, having fun, and I hope you enjoy what I have to say.
I started playing World Of Tanks, or WoT to those who play a lot and I do. A few months ago, it was recommended to me by Jessicabelle Dayafter, whom I have the privilege of playing with.
You can download it here: . Be prepared to wait a bit there is a LOT to download, but it is WELL worth the wait. The graphics are fantastic, and if you enjoy first person shooters you will like this one.
You start off with “tier one” tanks the lowest level and earliest ever made tanks as the “T1 Cunningham.” The higher you progress in the ranks, or “tiers,” the more modern the tanks become. The load out of ammo consists of “Armor piercing” and “HEAT” rounds as to be expected. But they also have “gold” rounds, which will do at least a third more in damage. But here is the catch. In order to have “gold” rounds you need to buy them, and risk being called a “wallet warrior” by other players.
It is the same for “Premium” tanks such as one of my favorites the “TOG II.” It is by far the slowest tank on the battle field and doesn’t do the most damage either. But it DOES have one of the highest hit points in the game, but weak armor so it can’t go toe to toe with almost anything. Then why do I like it? Easy, remember what I said at the beginning? IT’S FUN!
Once the other players see a TOG on the list the good natured comments start flying, “we have a whale”, “No fair you have a battleship!” “I bet I could park on your back and you would STILL have room to move your turret!” and they go on, and I play into it whole heartedly, “The HMS White Vixen reporting for duty!” I call out to the other players.
This is strictly a PvP game, 15 tanks on each side face off and slug it out. You have the “Heavy” class as well as the “Medium,” “Tank Destroyer,” “Light,” and “Artillery.” So you have to find your niche in the game. There is a bit of thinking as well, knowing what rounds go best with what barrel on what tank, etc. There are TONS of videos on “How To’s” to learn from, or just jump in with both feet and start blasting away.
Now like ANY MMO you will have the “Game Gods” that know everything, and are not shy to tell you how much of a “Noob” you are as their battered tank husk burns across the battlefield. Take my advice and ignore them and just have fun.
And if you come across me on the battlefield, remember to do one thing…..DUCK!!
Nydia Tungsten
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Reader Submitted: Castle Dark Haven
by Theonlyjohnny Resident
I found this place when I was looking for just a good place to hang out. I will be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed, at first, by the amount of visitors I saw at the club. The dance floor was filled, as were all the seats.
The DJ was rocking the stream better than I have seen anyone else. I immediately came to the conclusion that no one could follow such a great DJ. That was soon proven wrong. All of the DJs have performed the best I have ever seen a DJ perform.
Unlike other clubs, where either only one or two people say hello, I was welcomed by everyone there. I did apply for a job, on my first visit, but was amazed to find that, instead of turning me down, they let me know that I did not meet the requirements of the job. However, they DID give me a shot at being a host, and I was hired.
Be warned, this is an Adult furry club. However, it's not the kind of adult club that is about sexuality and what not. Furrys, and humans alike, come here to hear great music, and just have fun. No one is turned away, and everyone is treated as if they're family.
The design of the club is not simple, and is actually very complex, with each brick having a slightly different texture than the rest (Yes I have looked at the bricks, ha-ha). And the placement of everything is precise and shows how much work was truly put into this club. Even the placement of the dance poles, which are open to everyone as are the tip jars next to them, show that this was not just a random make. It was designed to perfection.
All in all I give this club,
Originality: 5 of 5
Design and Look: 5 of 5
Music: 5 of 5
Staff: 5 of 5
Owner involvement: 4 of 5
In total 24 of 25
I found this place when I was looking for just a good place to hang out. I will be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed, at first, by the amount of visitors I saw at the club. The dance floor was filled, as were all the seats.
The DJ was rocking the stream better than I have seen anyone else. I immediately came to the conclusion that no one could follow such a great DJ. That was soon proven wrong. All of the DJs have performed the best I have ever seen a DJ perform.
Unlike other clubs, where either only one or two people say hello, I was welcomed by everyone there. I did apply for a job, on my first visit, but was amazed to find that, instead of turning me down, they let me know that I did not meet the requirements of the job. However, they DID give me a shot at being a host, and I was hired.
Be warned, this is an Adult furry club. However, it's not the kind of adult club that is about sexuality and what not. Furrys, and humans alike, come here to hear great music, and just have fun. No one is turned away, and everyone is treated as if they're family.
The design of the club is not simple, and is actually very complex, with each brick having a slightly different texture than the rest (Yes I have looked at the bricks, ha-ha). And the placement of everything is precise and shows how much work was truly put into this club. Even the placement of the dance poles, which are open to everyone as are the tip jars next to them, show that this was not just a random make. It was designed to perfection.
All in all I give this club,
Originality: 5 of 5
Design and Look: 5 of 5
Music: 5 of 5
Staff: 5 of 5
Owner involvement: 4 of 5
In total 24 of 25